1 in 4 people experience mental health problems in any given year
1 in 6 experience work-related stress, depression or anxiety
A mental health issue is the second most common reason for taking time off work
Take proactive steps to manage employees mental health and wellbeing. Make it a priority today to integrate measures to value your people, improve their quality of life and make a positive impact on their work life and life outside work.
Get in touch to discuss our Bespoke Wellbeing Services and how we can fit around your model.
Together we can design an employee wellness programme that is tailored specifically to the individual requirements of your team members, business needs, budget and objectives.
Popular packages include:
Acupuncture for calm to balance and restore. Reduces headaches, stress and anxiety and promote restful sleep.
Women’s Health Treatments to alleviate, manage and eradicate unwanted symptoms associated with women’s health.
Massage for stress and posture related tension areas, commonly back, shoulders and neck.
Investing in employee wellbeing has been proven to:
Promote a health and wellbeing culture at work
Improve team morale and productivity
Reduce absenteeism
Promote engagement
Build company appreciation and loyalty
Increase staff resilience
Attract new talent
Increase staff retention
Improve public perception
Please get in touch if you would like to discuss the packages further or develop a specialised Wellness Programme that will complement other initiatives you have in place.
Nuala Wills 07923697091